CAST Director Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE stars in ActNowFilm premiering at COP28 calling for young people to be at the frontline of global climate policymaking and negotiations

CAST Director Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE stars in the ActNowFilm premiering at COP28 as one of 30 climate experts from across the world in conversation with youth climate leaders calling for young people to be at the frontline of global climate policymaking and negotiations. The ‘ActNowFilm: youth climate leaders in…

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CAST research shows Cornwall Council staff are highly concerned about climate change, but knowledge gaps prevent them from taking action

Our latest CAST briefing on motivating a low-carbon workforce shows Cornwall Council staff are very concerned about climate change but knowledge gaps prevent them from taking action. As part of our research commissioned by the Cornwall Council (CC), we published a briefing resource: ‘Motivating a low-carbon workforce – Insights from…

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