
Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE
Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE
CAST Director
Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE is CAST Director and an environmental psychologist, specialising in perceptions and behaviour in relation to climate change,
Dr Christina Demski
Dr Christina Demski
Deputy Director, Theme 1 lead
Dr Christina Demski is a reader at the University of Bath. She is a Deputy Director of CAST and is
Dr Sarah Mander
Dr Sarah Mander
Deputy Director, Theme 2 lead
Dr Sarah Mander is based at Manchester University and is the theme co-leader for Theme Two: Learning, where her work
Professor Wouter Poortinga
Professor Wouter Poortinga
Associate Director, Theme 3 lead
Professor Wouter Poortinga is based at Cardiff University and is an Associate Director of the CAST Centre. He is co-lead
Professor Andy Jordan
Professor Andy Jordan
Associate Director, Theme 2 lead
Professor Andy Jordan studies the politics that emerge when attempts are made to govern climate change. He has studied many
Professor Carly McLachlan
Professor Carly McLachlan
Associate Director
Professor Carly McLachlan is an Associate Director of CAST and leads the cities-focused work in Theme 3 which involves workin
David Powell
David Powell
Theme 4 lead
David Powell is our  Theme 4 Co-lead as well as Senior Engagement Advisor at Climate Outreach, where he leads the Climate
Dr Catherine Cherry
Dr Catherine Cherry
Dr Catherine Cherry is an environmental social scientist with an interdisciplinary background that cuts across social and environmental science disciplines.
Dr Ruth Wood
Dr Ruth Wood
Ruth Wood is based at the University of Manchester and will be working in Theme 1, Project 1.3 reviewing and
Dr Claire Hoolohan
Dr Claire Hoolohan
Dr Claire Hoolohan is based at the University of Manchester and will be working on Theme 2.3 and 3.2, aiming
Dr Nick Nash
Dr Nick Nash
Dr Nick Nash is based in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath, working on Theme 1 (What
Professor Olga Tregaskis
Professor Olga Tregaskis
Olga Tregaskis is based at University of East Anglia (UEA) in the Norwich Business School. She will be leading the
Professor Irene Lorenzoni
Professor Irene Lorenzoni
Professor Irene Lorenzoni is based at the University of East Anglia. In CAST, she contributes to the research on learning from
Dr Chantal Sullivan-Thomsett
Dr Chantal Sullivan-Thomsett
Senior Research Associate
Dr. Chantal Sullivan-Thomsett is a Senior Research Associate in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia.
Elizabeth Garnham
Elizabeth Garnham
Knowledge Exchange Associate (maternity leave)
Elizabeth Garnham is CAST's new Knowledge Exchange Associate based at the University of Bath, working in a job share with
Bella Zanin
Bella Zanin
Knowledge Exchange Associate
Bella is CAST's Knowledge Exchange Associate, based at the centre's hub, the University of Bath. She holds an MSc in
Dr Louise King
Dr Louise King
Research Associate
Dr Louise King is an environmental social scientist with an interdisciplinary background. Her research explores how social understandings impact on
Dr Angela Mae Minas
Dr Angela Mae Minas
Research Associate
Dr Angela Mae Minas is based at The University of Manchester and contributes to Theme 2.2, exploring how grassroots movements
Dr Tim Braunholtz-Speight
Dr Tim Braunholtz-Speight
Research Associate
Dr Tim Braunholtz-Speight is based at the University of Manchester and contributes to CAST Theme 3.4 on city-level change.  
Duncan Maguire
Duncan Maguire
Research Associate
Duncan Maguire is a PhD student in the business school at UEA. He is looking into organisational transformations towards sustainability
Dr Mark Wilson
Dr Mark Wilson
Research Associate
Dr Mark Wilson is based at the University of Bath and his research is situated within Theme 3 – Trialling.
Chris Walsh
Chris Walsh
Research Associate
Chris Walsh is based at the University of Manchester and is contributing to Themes 2 and 3 working on grassroots
Dr Emily Wolstenholme
Dr Emily Wolstenholme
Research Associate
Dr Emily Wolstenholme is a Research Associate at Cardiff University working on Theme 1, analysing the multi-wave, multi-country CAST survey.
Briony Latter
Briony Latter
PhD Researcher
Briony Latter is a PhD researcher based at Cardiff University who works within Theme 3 and 4. Her PhD focuses
Christianne Tipping
Christianne Tipping
PhD Researcher
Christianne is a PhD student in the School of Psychology at Cardiff University and works within Theme 2 of CAST’s
Harry Barton
Harry Barton
PhD Researcher
Harry is a PhD researcher at the University of Manchester, involved in Theme 3 within CAST. She will be working
Daniel Carr
Daniel Carr
PhD Researcher
Dan is a PhD Researcher based at Cardiff University, involved in themes 2 and 3 within CAST. With an interest
Louise Turner
Louise Turner
PhD Researcher
Louise Turner is a PhD Researcher at The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at The University of Manchester. Her
Victoria Harvey
Victoria Harvey
PhD Researcher
Victoria is a PhD researcher at Norwich Business School within UEA. Her research looks at sustainability transitions in the UK
Emelie Chard
Emelie Chard
PhD Researcher
Emelie is a PhD researcher based at Cardiff University who is exploring the role of identity in sustainable diet behaviour.
Alexander Shaw
Alexander Shaw
PhD Researcher
Alex is a PhD researcher based at the University of Manchester, with his research focussing on the decarbonisation of transport
Mahda Rashid
Mahda Rashid
PhD Researcher
Mahda Rashid is a PhD researcher at Tyndall Manchester. She is working on “Water in the UK: Changing patterns of
Joel Gilbert
Joel Gilbert
PhD Researcher
Joel is a PhD researcher working with Tyndall Manchester using behaviour change theories to try and promote sustainable transport in
Leilai Immel-Parkinson
Leilai Immel-Parkinson
PhD Researcher
Leilai Immel-Parkinson is a PhD Researcher at the University of Manchester. In collaboration with Northumbrian Water, she is examining future
Jess David
Jess David
Centre Manager
Jess has recently joined the CAST team as the Centre Manager. Prior to joining CAST Jess worked as a Senior
Katie Watson
Katie Watson
Communications and Engagement Officer
Katie is CAST's Communications and Engagement Officer based at the University of Bath who works collaboratively with the team and
Yuliia Novikova
Yuliia Novikova
Centre Administrator
Yuliia has recently joined the CAST team as the Centre Administrator. Prior to joining CAST, she worked as a HR