Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE is CAST Director and an environmental psychologist, specialising in perceptions and behaviour in relation to climate change, based at the University of Bath. As well as chairing the Executive Group, she co-leads Theme 4 and project 3.3 on engaging sports fans with climate action.
Her research projects have included studies of climate anxiety, diet and consumption, travel behaviours perceptions of green and energy technologies, low-carbon lifestyles, environmental communication, and responses to climate change risks. Between 2014 and 2019, she held a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant – Low-Carbon Lifestyles & Behavioural Spillover (CASPI) – and between 2019 and 2024 held an ERC Consolidator Grant – Understanding and leveraging ‘moments of change’ for pro-environmental behaviour shifts (MOCHA). She was also a Lead Author in Working Group II for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Assessment Report 6; and regularly advises governmental and other organisations on low-carbon behaviour change and climate change communication. Since 2024, she has been co-director of Bath’s Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change.
Lorraine can be contacted directly at director@cast.ac.uk. For any press or media-related queries, please email our Communications and Engagement Officer (Katie) at kw966@bath.ac.uk. For general queries, please email our main inbox info@cast.ac.uk.
For more information, including Lorraine’s research outputs, view her University of Bath profile.