CAST Data Portal: Public views on climate

From 2020-2023, CAST undertook a set of global surveys with over 15,500 (adult) participants from the UK, Brazil, China and Sweden. In our research, we discovered that a large majority of respondents from across borders, age groups and financial backgrounds are supportive of action on climate change. The CAST Data Portal provides full free unlimited access to this data, allowing you to explore these findings in detail.  

The CAST Data Portal consists of three separate dashboards covering public perceptions on climate change (Climate Views), low-carbon lifestyle changes and policy support (Climate Action), as well as the public’s views on effective climate action and trust and responsibility (Trust and Action).

In each dashboard, you can explore perceptions over time, by socio-demographic variables (e.g., age, income, political orientation) and by country. 

Explore the dashboards by clicking the buttons below.

For more information on the CAST Data Portal methodology, question wording and interpretation of the data, visit our methodology webpage.

Not all questions used in the surveys are displayed in the CAST Data Portal. We also produced briefings and infographics for each survey wave, which can be downloaded from the list below.

Please note that exact percentages for a specific question may differ due to rounding or weighting of data. For further information on our research methodology, please contact the CAST team at

The CAST Data Portal was inspired by the Yale Climate Communication tool.

Ballew, M. T., Leiserowitz, A., Roser-Renouf, C., Rosenthal, S. A., Kotcher, J. E., Marlon, J. R., Lyon, E., Goldberg, M. H., & Maibach, E. W. (2019). Climate Change in the American Mind: Data, tools, and trends. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 61(3), 4-18. doi: 10.1080/00139157.2019.1589300

The surveys featured on the CAST Data Portal
were administered by DJS Research

Format development of the CAST Data Portal was
led by Story things

Disclaimer:  The CAST Centre provides this data for users of this website to use at their own risks. The data can be used for any legal purpose according to the laws of England and Wales at the discretion of the user. CAST centre is not responsible for any outputs or results produced using the data from this portal, therefore CAST centre is also not liable to the user or to any third party for any kind, form or type of consequential damage or loss caused as a result of the user using data from this website. 

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