David Powell is our Theme 4 Co-lead as well as Senior Engagement Advisor at Climate Outreach, where he leads the Climate Engagement Lab. He has 20 years of experience in climate engagement, communications and policy, and in the translation of research and evidence into accessible, public-facing campaigns and programmes.  He helps climate communicators to understand, empathise with and engage non-activist audiences in meaningful action. 


He has worked as a senior campaigner at Friends of the Earth, where he led work on greening the financial and banking system and the UK Treasury.  From 2016-2020 he was Head of Environment at the think tank, the New Economics Foundation. At NEF, David developed and led its work on the just transition, in particular focusing on community worker engagement in the oil and gas sector.  


David produces and hosts the psychology podcasYour Brain on Climate.   


Follow David on Twitter.