Centre Staff

Dr Catherine Cherry
Dr Catherine Cherry
Dr Catherine Cherry is an environmental social scientist with an interdisciplinary background that cuts across social and environmental science disciplines.
Dr Ruth Wood
Dr Ruth Wood
Ruth Wood is based at the University of Manchester and will be working in Theme 1, Project 1.3 reviewing and
Dr Claire Hoolohan
Dr Claire Hoolohan
Dr Claire Hoolohan is based at the University of Manchester and will be working on Theme 2.3 and 3.2, aiming
Dr Nick Nash
Dr Nick Nash
Dr Nick Nash is based in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath, working on Theme 1 (What
Professor Olga Tregaskis
Professor Olga Tregaskis
Olga Tregaskis is based at University of East Anglia (UEA) in the Norwich Business School. She will be leading the
Elizabeth Garnham
Elizabeth Garnham
Knowledge Exchange Associate (maternity leave)
Elizabeth Garnham is CAST's new Knowledge Exchange Associate based at the University of Bath, working in a job share with
Bella Zanin
Bella Zanin
Knowledge Exchange Associate
Bella is CAST's Knowledge Exchange Associate, based at the centre's hub, the University of Bath. She holds an MSc in
Dr Angela Mae Minas
Dr Angela Mae Minas
Research Associate
Dr Angela Mae Minas is based at The University of Manchester and contributes to Theme 2.2, exploring how grassroots movements
Duncan Maguire
Duncan Maguire
Research Associate
Duncan Maguire is a PhD student in the business school at UEA. He is looking into organisational transformations towards sustainability
Briony Latter
Briony Latter
PhD Researcher
Briony Latter is a PhD researcher based at Cardiff University who works within Theme 3 and 4. Her PhD focuses
Christianne Tipping
Christianne Tipping
PhD Researcher
Christianne is a PhD student in the School of Psychology at Cardiff University and works within Theme 2 of CAST’s
Daniel Carr
Daniel Carr
PhD Researcher
Dan is a PhD Researcher based at Cardiff University, involved in themes 2 and 3 within CAST. With an interest